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Organic Wine

For those who prioritise a natural approach, organic wine offers you a sweet (or dry) solution. To ensure the highest quality and adherence to sustainable winemaking, organic wine undergoes a strict certification process, ensuring the grapes in your wine were truly crafted in line with organic principles. 

Organic wine, made from grapes grown using organic farming practices, are without the use of synthetic fertilisers. 

From vine to bottle, traceability is key to reach organic standards. Regular inspections and record-keeping of minimal intervention, maintains the integrity of organic farming throughout production.


Organic certification doesn't dictate the wine's taste, but some might describe the process as aiming for the highest natural quality. Without the use of synthetic fertilisers, this practice promotes soil health and biodiversity, potentially leading to a cleaner quality wine and benefiting the environment.

Organic farming practices eliminate synthetic fertilisers, encouraging the grapes to draw on the soil's natural nutrients. A healthy soil with good microbial activity can contribute to higher levels of minerals in the grapes. The presence of these minerals can contribute to the wine with a subtle "earthiness” in flavour, usually a delightful reflection of the growing region.

While the focus is on organic, healthy soil, some organic wine certifications also consider aspects like minimal intervention during the winemaking process by limiting added ingredients or processing techniques.

Ultimately, winemaker practices, grape variety and region play a significant role in shaping the final profile of flavour.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Organic Wine?

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Organic wine is made from grapes grown using organic farming practices; grown without synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. To be labelled "organic," the wine must comply with specific regulations set by governing bodies, and provide record keeping throughout.

Does Organic Wine Taste Different?

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Organic certification doesn't dictate the wine's taste. However, the natural sustainable winemaking method, can potentially influence the flavour. The "earthy" character detectable in some wines, is a result of naturally thriving microbial life in healthy soil. This leads to higher mineral levels in the grapes, translating into a taste that reflects the earth from which they grew.

What are the Benefits of Organic Wine?

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Sustainable winemaking can be seen as a healthier option, as it reduces the consumer's exposure to potential chemical residues. Organic farming practices promote organic soil health, this reduces environmental impact compared to conventional wine making. Overall, consumers who prefer a natural approach, and are committed to environmental sustainability, should choose to shop organic wine.

Is Organic Wine More Expensive?

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The price of wine is always dependent on where it originates from. Wines from regions with a reputation for quality, will generally be more expensive. Organic wine can sometimes be more expensive due to the thorough practices maintained throughout production, cost of certification and potentially lower yields.

Will Organic Wine stop a hangover?

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Unfortunately not! Although this would be amazing unfortunately there is no wine (or alcohol) that will stop the dreaded hangover on days that you drink too much. However due to the wine being natural you will be staying away from any chemical additives which may cause your body harm and leave you feeling more delicate.

What is your shipping policy?

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For full information regarding our delivery please check out our shipping policy

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