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Natural Wine


Natural wine is a growing phenomenon. We are all getting far more aware of the importance of organic foods and avoiding consuming too many processed things we eat and drink. Many natural winemakers are becoming increasingly interested in making sure their wines have little in the way of added chemicals, pesticides or other additives. This is a return to a wine style that our great grandparents generation would have enjoyed if they were wine drinkers, (and mine certainly were not) but you know what I mean. Spontaneous fermentation, no winemakers yeast from packets here – and no sulphites added until bottling. Often no filtration or clarification either so expect a cloudy wine in the glass. Expect unusual flavours too because natural yeast does not behave in a normal way, so the flavours are often challenging and wonderful. Here you go.

Discover the true essence of wine. Seven Cellars offers a curated selection of natural wines made with minimal intervention, bursting with character and reflecting the soul of the grape.

Embracing the Natural Approach:

Natural wines are crafted with minimal intervention in the vineyard and cellar. This philosophy prioritises organic or biodynamic grape-growing practices, often utilising native yeasts for fermentation and minimal filtration or added sulphites. The result? Wines that are a true expression of the grape varietal and terroir (the land where the grapes are grown).

You'll encounter a wider range of aromas and flavours compared to conventionally produced wines. These wines may exhibit a touch of spritz or a slight sediment, both hallmarks of the natural winemaking process and indicators of minimal processing.

We source from passionate winemakers around the globe who prioritise quality grapes and sustainable practices. Whether you're a seasoned natural wine enthusiast or curious to explore this exciting world, we have something to tantalise your taste buds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is a natural wine?

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Natural wines are produced with minimal intervention in the vineyard and cellar. This means organic or biodynamic grape-growing, native yeasts for fermentation, and minimal additions. The focus is on letting the grapes express their unique character.

Do natural wines taste different from regular wines?

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Natural wines can offer a more vibrant and expressive taste experience compared to conventionally produced wines. You might encounter a wider range of aromas and flavours, with a touch of spritz or sediment sometimes present, both signs of minimal processing.

Are natural wines organic?

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Many natural wines are organic, but not all. The core principle of natural wine is minimal intervention, and organic farming practices often align with this philosophy. However, some natural winemakers might not formally certify their grapes as organic. Click here to shop our collection of organic wines

How should I store natural wines?

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Natural wines are best stored in a cool, dark place, ideally at a consistent temperature. Due to their sensitive nature, they can be more susceptible to changes in temperature and light.

How do I choose a natural wine?

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Explore different varietals and regions to discover your preferences. Seven Cellars offers a curated selection and our customer service team is happy to provide personalised recommendations based on your taste profile.

What is your shipping policy?

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For full information regarding our delivery please check out our shipping policy

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