The Harpy's Tale, named after a mythical creature, reflects Ardbeg's tradition of crafting intriguing and complex expressions. This 2023 release features a unique blend of rare and carefully selected casks, including a mix of ex-bourbon and sherry casks, which impart a rich and multifaceted flavor profile.
In terms of flavor, The Harpy's Tale is characterized by its deep, smoky intensity, a hallmark of Ardbeg's style. The whisky opens with powerful aromas of charred wood, smoked bacon, and medicinal notes, typical of the distillery's robust peat influence. On the palate, it offers a dynamic range of flavors, including dark chocolate, dried fruits, and a touch of spice, all layered over a smoky backbone. The finish is long and warming, with lingering notes of ash and subtle sweetness.
Ardbeg - Anthology 2023: The Harpy's Tale stands out for its bold, intricate profile and limited availability, making it a sought-after collector’s item and a testament to Ardbeg’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of whisky-making.