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Is Rum Gluten-Free?

Is Rum Gluten-Free?

If you’re someone who needs to avoid gluten due to coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity, you might be wondering, "Is rum gluten-free?" Given that gluten is found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye, it’s essential to know what’s in your favourite drinks. 

What is Gluten, and Why is it Important?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. For people with coeliac disease or gluten intolerance, even small amounts of gluten can trigger digestive discomfort or more severe reactions, making it crucial to know which foods and drinks are safe to consume.

Is Rum Naturally Gluten-Free?

The good news for rum lovers is that rum is typically gluten-free. Rum is made from sugarcane juice or molasses, both of which do not contain gluten. The distillation process, which separates alcohol from water and other components, generally eliminates any gluten proteins that may be present. This means that pure distilled rum, whether white, dark, or aged, is gluten-free.

However, some considerations could impact whether a particular rum remains gluten-free.

What to Watch Out For: Added Flavours and Spices

While pure rum is gluten-free, certain types of rum, such as spiced rum or flavoured rum, may not be. Some spiced rums, like Kraken Rum or Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, may include added flavourings, spices, or colourings that could potentially contain gluten.

Similarly, flavoured rums, like Malibu Rum (known for its coconut flavour), may also have additional ingredients that could contain gluten or be processed in facilities where cross-contamination can occur.

If you are sensitive to gluten, it is essential to check the labels of spiced or flavoured rums for any hidden sources of gluten or contact the manufacturer directly for detailed ingredient information.

If you want to enjoy some delicious Rums without worrying about the risk of Gluten, be sure to try our full rum collection - we make sure to stock up on your new favourite rums you've never heard of yet - we realised you can go to any shop and get Malibu or Captain Morgans! So we have curated a collection of interesting and slept on rums for you to enjoy!

Gluten Cross-Contamination Risks

While the distillation process itself typically removes gluten, cross-contamination can happen if rum is produced or bottled in facilities that also handle gluten-containing products. For those with coeliac disease, even trace amounts of gluten can pose a problem, so it’s best to look for rums specifically labelled as "gluten-free" to ensure they meet the necessary standards.

Choosing Gluten-Free Rum for Cocktails

Rum is a popular choice for many cocktails, such as mojitos, daiquiris, and piña coladas. When choosing a rum for cocktails, opt for a pure, unflavoured rum to minimise the risk of gluten contamination. If you prefer a spiced or flavoured rum, double-check the ingredients or choose a rum brand that certifies its products as gluten-free.

In most cases, Rum is gluten-free if it follows the traditional distillation process - pure distilled rum, made from sugarcane juice or molasses, is naturally gluten-free. However, flavoured or spiced rums like Kraken Rum or Malibu Rum may contain added ingredients that could include gluten or be subject to cross-contamination. Always check labels and manufacturer information to ensure your choice is safe.

If rum isn't your tipple then be sure to check out our Celiac Friendly Beers - perfect to liven up any event without upsetting your stomach!


Is all rum gluten-free?  

Most pure distilled rums are gluten-free, but flavoured or spiced varieties may contain gluten from added ingredients.

Is spiced rum gluten-free?  

Spiced rum may contain added ingredients, such as flavourings or spices, that could potentially contain gluten. Always check the label or consult the manufacturer.

Can cross-contamination affect rum?  

Yes, cross-contamination can occur if rum is produced or bottled in facilities that handle gluten-containing ingredients.

Are flavoured rums safe for people with coeliac disease?  

Not always. Flavoured rums may contain gluten-containing additives. Check the label or contact the manufacturer for more information.

How can I tell if rum is gluten-free?  

Look for "gluten-free" labels or certifications on the bottle, or check the brand’s website or contact customer service.

Is rum in rum cocktails gluten-free?  

Pure rum is gluten-free, but ingredients used in cocktails, such as mixers, syrups, or garnishes, may contain gluten.

Is dark rum gluten-free?  

Yes, dark rum is usually gluten-free, but as with all types of rum, it’s important to check for any added ingredients.

Can gluten-free rum still contain traces of gluten?  

If a rum is labelled "gluten-free," it should meet regulatory standards for gluten content. However, those with extreme sensitivity should still exercise caution.

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